Haunted Fort

Haunted Fort is the scariest event in the Bismarck-Mandan Area!! Haunted Fort has evolved into the Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park's largest fundraising event, with over 8,000 people turning out to be terrorized in 2012. All of the proceeds are used to maintain the region’s best interpretive program, and other foundation operations within Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park. It used to be that when the leaves began to turn, we would get ready to close up shop for the winter. Now, our minds change with the leaves—we turn away from Custer and the Mandan Indians and delve into the world of Poe, Le Fanu and King; of Michael Meyers, Freddy Kruger and Jigsaw. We plot, build, destroy, disembowel and dismember. With our own phobias ever in our minds, Haunted Fort becomes the place where nightmares come to life.
Fort Abraham Lincoln has long insinuated itself among the ranks of haunted places of North Dakota, by always seeming to provide just enough atmosphere—a retreating footstep here, a fading whisper there—to make the ever-growing sub-culture of paranormal enthusiasts emphatically declare the place to be a haven to phantoms, ghouls, spirits, lingerers-on, or any other name by which a ghost may be called. Even the skeptics, when presented with stranger circumstances than may be easily dismissed by logic, are sometimes forced to use the I-don’t-know-how-to-explain-it shoulder shrug.
Zombie Battlefield:
All new attraction this season at the Haunted Fort. Have your chance to kill live Zombies in the all new "Battlefield" Zombie Paintball Experience.